Friday, February 22, 2008

Letter from Mr. Scarrow -CEO of PMC

( This is the responce to an email sent to Mr. Scarrow - See Below)

Thanks Bob, I understand your take, but it is wrong. United asked us to treat you as "in network" so we promised to do so. Now they say that your "in network benefit" is zero and they are telling us you to seek payment from you. It is rare, but occasionally even a Blue Cross in network, in contract, approved service claim is denied. When that happens the patient is still responsible for the failure of their coverage just like you are responsible for the failure of your coverage. No hospital can know what the "in-network allowable" is until they receive a discount arrangement or an EOB. All we ever received was the discount, which we are honoring per our agreement with you. We gave you forms to sign that said you would be treated as in-network because your insurance said they would cover your charges otherwise you would not even have a discount from billed charges. We are still honoring an in network discount as we promised. Unfortunately, your insurance did not pay their portion. You still owe the discounted portion of the bill, just as you would if they had defaulted on an in-network facility. You hired the insurance company to cover you when you signed up for coverage. In essence, LANL has defaulted on your liability. An attorney will cost you more than what you owe to come to the same conclusion. Pursue as you wish, but if you truly have the support of your co-workers, it might at least be worth a group meeting with your employer. I'll be glad to attend and bring paperwork that you signed and that they signed. We are not hiding from anything we have said or done. Best Wishes, -Lloyd

(Question Sent to Mr. Scarrow, CEO-PMC)

20-Feb-2008 TO: Lloyd Scarrow, CEOPhysicians Medical Center of Santa Fe Hello Mr. Scarrow: I received an email message from you on Feb. 19, explaining some of the circumstances surrounding the "in-network" status of Physicians Medical Center and the disputes that have arisen regarding the substantial difference in payments due for services rendered under "in-network" vs. "out of network" provider status. I wanted to personally thank you for taking the time and effort to communicate this information to me in written form. This is certainly a complex problem and I appreciate your efforts to provide the "background" information. I believe that openly sharing all relevant information can help us to find a just resolution, and I want to assure you that I want to settle this issue in good faith and pay your facility the correct amount for the services that were rendered. In this spirit I would like to articulate my own perspective. I am writing on behalf of my wife who was the patient. The following statements represent my own opinions only; I am speaking only for myself and I am not representing the position of any other person (although I intend to share this email message with other people who are in a similar situation). I would be very interested to hear your response to my position; perhaps we can identify what facts we take as undisputed, and exactly where we disagree. I entered into an agreement with Physician's Medical Center. I acknowledged my agreement by signing certain forms, as well as by my consent. It was on the basis of this agreement that PMC, my surgeon, and (perhaps - I'm not sure) the anesthesiologist performed their services. This agreement is also the fundamental reason that each of these parties can expect me to pay for their services. So lets examine "the agreement" in detail. One of the written terms of my agreement with PMC was a letter signed by Lisa Castellaw stating that PMC was aware that they did not have "in-network" status with United Health Care, but that PMC would honor my in-network benefit. This written statement was a key element of the terms and conditions of the agreement between PMC and myself. I entered into an agreement with PMC based on this written promise from PMC (that is, that PMC would bill me at in-network benefit levels). This promise was, in fact, part of the terms and conditions of my agreement with PMC. I believe that PMC cannot unilaterally change the terms and conditions of our agreement. I do not agree to the new terms and conditions (namely, that I must pay full cost for PMC's services with no in-network benefit). I believe that the evidence supports my position that PMC should charge me for the services rendered at in-network benefit levels. Again, thank you for your email and the opportunity to communicate with each other in a polite and non-confrontational manner.


dcarmichael said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm one of "THOSE PEOPLE" who work in Contracting for a living, so I approach this whole matter from a factual basis: Through payroll deduction "WE" have made a contractual relationship with UHC to pay for our 'authorized' /'approved' medical requirements. Dr. Auge recommended and UHC verbally and in writing 'approved' the suggested operation. Being Cost-Conscience, Austere, (OK, Cheap!) I checked the anticipated costs from PMC as well as Espanola determine what my 10% of the costs would be, found PMC to be a much better choice...and opted for surgery at PMC.
During my pre-op appointment with Dr. Auge and again when I arrived at PMC I was informed that UHC had reviewed, approved and even pre-negotiated the rate for my surgery (I now have a copy of that UHC authorization form).
In my case (and I hope all of yours) the surgery and recovery went well, UHC paid Dr. Auge and the anesthesiologist BUT NOT THE HOSPITAL....maybe they thought Dr. Auge was going to operate in the parking lot somewhere!!! Then 7 months later (after UHC reneged on their previous agreement and PREPAID contractual obligation to help with my health-care expenses) I received a bill from PMC.

After numerous calls to PMC, UHC and LANL (Right!!), I met toe-to-toe with Lisa & Lloyd from PMC. I'm not here to stick-up-for or alibi for PMC but these are business people and they've been "STIFFED" and they're out approx. $450K for services they had provided in good faith!!! Where else can they turn for compensation?
"WE" also have been "STIFFED" by UHC since all those charges were just shifted from our PAID insurer back onto us! That's irresponsible at very least and not fulfilling their part of a PREPAID agreement.

When "WE" look hard at who failed to fulfill their obligations; I question how "WE can grouse about the actions by PMC....they did exactly what we expected from them during our stay at their facility.

Like many of you, I flailed around a bit before during some homework about who can help me recover from this problem and found that the Public Regulatory Commission (PRC) has the responsibility for regulating Insurance actions within the State (check 'em out on the PRC Website) They're interested in the "fraud" aspect of 'our' situation where a company took payment but failed to follow through with the coverage promised.
I've also copied my attorney who wrote to Lab Counsel asking about this situation...but hasn't received a reply.
UHC is basically a 'Third Party Payer' FOR LANL..who brought 11,000(+/-) customers to the UHC table. If LANL snapped their fingers, UHC would pay those open bills by dinner time today, but unfortunately, LANL turns a blind-eye to this; and instead makes it "OUR PROBLEM".

I think we need one legal contact point to fight for us since LANL can only collect our premiums, pay the Provider they've selected and then leave us flounder with (a piece of) a $450K debt.
We can just roll-over and pay PMC (on top of the UHC premiums we've already paid!!)or if you agree that we're getting 'STIFFED', please send your comments, complaint forms and concerns to the PRC and let's join together, somehow, in our efforts to remedy this thing. Thanks for listening to my rant!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Rant and well written, It does provide all of us a different perspective and one worth taking into account. It does suprise how LANL HR has told me and others , Sorry, its your baby, do waht you want" yet this is our employer. It makes me wonder what really is happening. I for one have not counted out Lanl or UHC as being repsonsible for this mess.